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Sunday, 24 January 2010
Best Gold and Silver Mining Stock Picks
Now Playing: Your Last Chance for Survival is Gold and Silver Stocks

April 19th 2010 Last Edit
Gold and Silver Mining Stocks Will Be Your Best Chance at Financial Survival In The Next Greatest Economic Depression The World Has Ever Seen. No Other Asset Will Appreciate As Much As The Mining Stocks Of The Precious Metals And Especially Gold And Silver. Don't Miss Out Or You Will For Ever Be Stranded In Financial Depression.

Mining Companies Your Last Hope

After the great crash of the world stock markets and the dark days of the Greatest Depression indisputably begins, the mining stocks will be the first to rise to unimaginable heights while the rest of the markets languish in their shallows and misery. The rush to mining stocks even remotely related to the precious metals will be overwhelming. The size and financial stability of a company or even if the company exists in a viable form will not mater in the rush to grab every stock off the shelf. The large major stocks will go first, then followed by the mid tier exploration/producers, then the exploration companies and in the end everything else with gold or silver mining company following it's name. Companies that are priced in the few pennies (.01-.03) to the depths of the sub-penny range of .0001 will attract the wild eyed seekers of fortune like the the 49'ers in the California gold rush. The micro-micro cap stocks in the .001-.01 range may or not may not exist in reality but will still be traded on the Pinksheets at rapidly increasing prices.

The mania will build along with the stories of what exactly the company has in assets. Some of the little penny stocks suffered a critical blow in the past 3 years in the violent and greatest gold manipulation by the central banks of the world that history has ever seen. Nothing has been seen on such a magnitude in the precious metals in such a short period. The shear magnitude devastated the share price of all mining stocks and even to a greater extent the viability of the small and ultra small companies. The banks with drew funding once guaranteed, not because of the mining companies but because the banks themselves were near collapse and needed every penny to survive. Some penny mining companies merged with each other or with the larger companies, some filled protective bankruptcy to ride out the storm and some just went silent. Most of the smallest just went into a hibernation/coma unable to deal with the situation. What exact assets these companies have in mineral claims may not be known for some time or never known. Both the Canadian exchanges and the USA Pinksheets and Bulletin Boards are littered with these companies.

As long as there is a buyer and a seller companies will trade. I once trade in and out of one such company taking a regular 50% profit when the company did not exist as a working company for many years. Fortunes will be made in the precious metal mining companies in the next few years. Many of them will be unheard of companies currently below the $1.00 per share level. The very Grey area below the .01 level have also tremendous potential to trade in and out of regardless of the the companies situation. The Tide Floats All Boats and so will the coming mania rush to gold and silver companies and other resource related ones. Don't miss the boat of the precious metal companies from the large to the smallest micro-micro caps or you will languish in the shallows and misery of stocks for the rest of your investment life. Below is the the conclusion from Clive Maude's article Quantitative Easing that aptly summarizes the future.

The general conclusions we can make then are as follows - continued ballooning of the money supply in most countries and generous fiscal stimulus. Intervention and support at global hot spots where there is a risk of default, such as some European countries, where the parties or countries involved will be encouraged to ease their problems by means of creating money. Robust inflation moving in the direction of hyperinflation. Continued bull markets in most assets with intrinsic value - commodities and collectibles and especially in "concentrated value" assets such as gold and silver, which should be the star performers. Global stock markets should continue to rise. Precious Metals stocks are expected to enjoy accelerating bull markets, with the still very undervalued junior mining stocks becoming the subject of frenzied speculation similar to the tech stocks in the boom a decade ago. In the light of these conclusions and keeping this big picture in mind, we should thus not be too concerned by the current corrective action in gold and silver - on the contrary, we should seize upon such corrections as opportunities to build positions in gold and silver and to rebalance portfolios in the direction of the strongest Precious Metals.

Mining Company Stock Picks

Allied Nevada Gold Corp ANV:NYSE
Spin off from Vista Gold. Good small company destined to make it big in the nest five years. This company has everything going for it as the continued rise in the stock price shows. Buy as much of it as you can and hold it and retire on the proceeds from it in the next 5 years.
Allied Gold Limited: 2 Million Ounces in Measured and Indicated Resources at Pigiput and Pigibo Deposits Increased by 170%

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 9, 2010) - Allied Gold Limited (TSX:ALG)(AIM:AGLD)(ASX:ALD)
New resource estimates for Pigiput and Pigibo deposits give total Measured and Indicated Resources of 48.1 million tonnes at 1.35 g/t gold, at 0.5g/t gold block cut-off, equivalent to 2.08 million ounces of gold
170% increase in estimated contained gold in Measured and Indicated resources compared to previous estimates
Pigiput total Measured and Indicated resources estimated as 41.0 million tonnes at 1.38 g/t gold for 1.82 million ounces of gold
Pigibo total Measured and Indicated resources estimated as 7.1 million tonnes at 1.18 g/t gold for 0.27 million ounces of gold
Total group combined Measured and Indicated Resources of 107.9 million tonnes at 1.39 g/t gold for 4.83 million ounces of gold (Simberi, 78.4 million tonnes at 1.27 g/t for 3.20 million ounces of gold and Gold Ridge, 29.5 million tonnes at 1.72 g/t for 1.63 million ounces of gold).
Reserve estimation to be undertaken on completion of Phase III drilling at Pigibo, Pigiput and north-east towards SE Sorowar
Allied Gold has received new resource estimates for Pigiput and Pigibo deposits from consultants, Golder and Associates, totalling 48.1Mt @ 1.38g/t Au in Measured and Indicated categories for 2.08 million ounces of gold, using a 0.5g/t Au block cut-off. Mineral Resources classified as Inferred are estimated to be 38.5Mt @ 1.00 g/t Au for 1.24 Moz of gold and 86.6Mt @ 3.70g/t Ag for 10.3 Moz of silver. Compared to the previous estimates, this represents a significant consolidation, with the equivalent of net 30.4 Mt @ 1.34 g/t Au (1.31 Moz gold) converted to Measured and Indicated, and net expansion of total resources, by 29.4Mt @ 1.04g/t Au (0.98 Moz gold).

Allied Gold Limited's gold production and exploration development portfolio is centred on the Tabar Islands of Papua New Guinea approximately 60 kilometres from Lihir Island which hosts a plus 40 million ounce gold resource and the Gold Ridge Project located on the Island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.(see diagram below).
In 2008-2009, Allied produced 72,609 ounces of gold. Studies have been completed on an expansion of the oxide plant from 2 Mtpa to 3 Mtpa to increase production to 100,000 oz pa. A study focused on the sulphide resources is looking at the optional configuration for 100,000 oz pa sulphide operation In addition the Company proposes to redevelop the Gold Ridge Project in the Solomon Islands by 2011 which will which will produce on average 120,000ozpa over the expected life of mine of 7 years. Total group production is projected to be in excess of 300,000oz by 2012.
Total group combined Measured, Indicated and resources stand at 4.83Moz of gold. Simberi currently hosts Measured, Indicated and Inferred mineral resources of approximately 3.2 million ounces of gold. Gold Ridge hosts approximately 1.63Moz of Measured, Indicated resources. Allied Gold currently owns 100% of Simberi and 100% of the EL on the nearby Tatau and Big Tabar Islands covering a total area of 170km² and 130km² of exploration tenure in the Solomon Islands respectively.


Teryl Resources Corp. TRYLF
This company is in a sweet spot and is destined to be bought out by Kinross in the near future. It is just fluffing itself up and waiting for the marriage proposal from Kinross which is an excellent large gold producer destined to be one of the great companies in the next few years. You can't go wrong with this company because you can't go wrong with Kinross Gold. I bought Teryl at it's lows and I smile every time I look at it knowing that I will own more of Kinross Gold which I own a lot of now, when Kinross snatches Teryl up when ready. You don't find many small companies like this with such low stable outstanding share count of 33,744,438.

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 04/20/10) - Teryl Resources Corp. (TSX-V:TRC - News)(OTC.BB:TRYLF - News) is pleased to announce that our joint venture partner, Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. (FGMI), a subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation, reports that a 12.8 mile ground magnetometer/gradiometer survey was completed in March 2010, and the 16,000' drilling program commenced on April 12, 2010.
The goal of the 2010 program is to further delineate the strike extension of the mineralized zones, and to infill between step-out holes, in order to gain a better understanding of ore-zone continuity. The 2010 work plan calls for ground geophysics, 11,000 feet of RC drilling, and 5,000 feet of HQ-NQ core drilling. In addition, fieldwork involving mapping, soil and rock sampling, and mobile metal ion (MMI) geochemical sampling will be performed.
Qualified Person
Mark S. Robinson, P. Geo., State of Alaska Licensed Geologist No. 247 of Wrangell, Alaska, who is independent of the Company as defined in NI43-101. Mark Robinson is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) 6414 with the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG). Other professional societies and certifications include: Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) fellow since 1985; American Geological Institute (AGI); and Alaska Miner's Association (AMA). Mark Robinson is a Qualified Person as defined in NI43-101 and also qualifies under the rules stated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), and has verified the data contained in this news release for accuracy.
To date, a total of USD$9,000,000 has been expended by the joint venture partners, with Teryl and Kinross accounting for 20% and 80%, respectively, of total expenditures.
With interests in four gold properties, Teryl Resources Corp. is one of the main landowners in the Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska. The Gil project is a joint venture with Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K - News)(NYSE:KGC - News) (80% Kinross/20% Teryl). To date USD$9 million has been expended on exploration by Kinross and Teryl on the Gil joint venture claims. A USD$1.6 million budget has been completed for 2009 to draft test several gold anomalies on the Gil Claims. The Company's other Alaska holdings also include the Fish Creek Claims, 50% optioned from Linux Gold Corp. (OTC.BB:LNXGF - News); the Stepovich Claims, where Teryl has a 10% net profit interest from Kinross; and a 100%-interest in the West Ridge property. Teryl also has one joint venture silver prospect located in Northern BC, Canada. For further information visit the Company's website at

Belmont Resources TSX.BEA
Still does maintenance of its Uranium City area-Saskatchewan properties, and due diligence on further property acquisitions. Oil and natural gas will all head higher in the next two years as the truth about just how little easily accessible oil is left. All natural resources will move higher rapidly but the oil and gas will lead the way on the consumable side of the equation and Gold and Silver on the "real" money side of it. Governments around the world are sizing up nuclear energy - a means of generating electricity - as an alternative to expensive fossil fuels such as crude oil and coal, which pollute the atmosphere when burned. China and other emerging markets are also ramping up nuclear power production as they're compelled to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut their dependence on foreign oil. It's the same story in the United States and other advanced economy countries - including France and Japan - the two largest nuclear power markets. The drive to cut emissions, not only in Asia, but also in Europe and elsewhere is a very important positive impulse for uranium prices. Statistics on nuclear reactors tell the story. According to the World Nuclear Association there are 435 operating reactors around the world, 53 are under construction, 136 are planned and 299 have been proposed. Also, we're at the point where uranium prices have already crashed. Spot prices have tanked more than 67% from their all-time highs just three years ago. The way to play uranium is to buy her after a correction - which is exactly where we're at today. If you believe that uranium will make a come back for nuclear power generation then this company's current price is a bargain. Listed on the Canadian Exchange, no longer on the American markets. Buy it dirt cheap now and it will pay for all your elevated gas prices from the profit you make on it.


Campbell Resources CBLRF
This company put itself into Canadian protective bankruptcy to weather the central bankers attack on gold. It has massive amounts of copper resources with gold at the ready to be mined. Will probably be taken over by another large company and pop out of bankruptcy at the right time with new loan money to start operations or more probable, merge with another company that has deep financial pockets that needs Campbell's vast resources. Many under handed secrets involved with this company and it's assets which are protected by the bankruptcy court. See report at this address for a better picture . A bargain at current price given long term potential if it comes out of bankruptcy with all it's property. Even if there is a break up of the company and pieces are sold off, the sell off price predictions still make the company an attractive buy at current prices. I have load up on the stock at the current cheap price just as a long shot. The potential up side of this company is tremendous and considering it is in bankruptcy and protected by the court any under handed deals done will be un-done by the court. Campbell had this planned it is evident from the methodical nature of it's news release before the bankruptcy filling. They were very open and straight forward about the direction this was heading but just never said the word reorganization bankruptcy. There are I believe some big players involved in this whole thing that should be over with by mid 2010. Buy it dirt cheap now for you won't get another chance like it.


Global Platinum & Gold GPGI
Gold and platinum company that has a proven process to extract gold and platinum from ground water. The guy who runs the company sounds real in his emails to me so I think he will sell the company with it's patent and process to a large company to operate it. Up side potential for it is large especially if it is bought out by a large company. A bargain at current price considering there is only 22.84M Shares Outstanding. The below recent news release gives GPGI a new perspective and one which took me by surprise. The end result may add to the companies assets and make it more tempting as a take over by a larger company. The email communications I have had with the president of the company in the past year leads me to believe that the company is real with viable patents and just struggling to get on it's feet. The company has survived by processing gold at a limited scale to pay expenses using it's gold extraction process. Now that the price of gold is on it's way to all time highs in the next two years and it has another contract with another company using it's process, I think this company can be one of the great percentage gainers.


Golden Eagle International MYNG
What has impressed me most about the company is the tenacity of the operators of the company to continually move forward even in the face of adversity. A lot of companies would have bitched and cried about the problems in Bolivia but MYNG saw the reality that there was going to be a delay in mining until Bolivian politics cleared up and the management began working on their two assets in the USA. Even when there was a problem with one of them they quickly filed the appropriate law suit to get just compensation. Impressed by the management of the company which is a key factor in picking a penny stock company. MYNG is just having a rough time do to the scams and corruption that surrounds them in this current time. After the Bolivian elections management Realized that the game was over for the company in Bolivia as the below news release states and made a good sale arrangement to a Swiss company that is favored in Bolivia. This is what a good management team does in a small company, they don't sit around and cry about it they move on to better things. Their very low stock price reflects these hard times and I think the company is a good buy with a sell somewhere over 5 cents when the panic rush to buying precious metal mining companies happens in 2010. This can be a short term speculation, meaning buy a boat load now and sell it somewhere over 5 cents by the end of next year or it can be a long term hold as all precious metal mining companies will top out at some time in the next three years. I bought a lot of the company at the current low prices but have been watching it for a long time.

Golden Eagle Transfers Control of
Bolivian Subsidiary Operations
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH-(MarketWire)---March 16, 2010---Golden Eagle International, Inc. (OTCBB: MYNG) reported today that it has transferred control of its Bolivian subsidiary operations to an unaffiliated, Swiss corporation (the "Swiss corporation").

The Swiss corporation has paid Golden Eagle $112,000 in Bolivia, and has also agreed to pay $200,000 to satisfy various Golden Eagle obligations in Bolivia; to assume certain Golden Eagle obligations in Bolivia in an estimated amount of $200,000; and to provide $50,000 directly to Golden Eagle in the United States.

In addition, the Swiss corporation will pay Golden Eagle a 3% net smelter return of up to $3 million. The net smelter return will be payable on a quarterly basis if and when mineral production is achieved from the mining concessions owned by the Bolivian subsidiary.

Golden Eagle has agreed to indemnify the Swiss corporation regarding any other past debts and obligations that are not part of the agreement between the parties if those obligations are not the product of social or political issues. The Swiss corporation has agreed to indemnify Golden Eagle against future debts and obligations, and has further agreed to make available to Golden Eagle certain former Bolivian employees of Golden Eagle and certain records to assist Golden Eagle to comply with its reporting obligations. Although Golden Eagle's Bolivian assets and operations were once the primary focus of the company, starting in 2008 Golden Eagle has focused its operations primarily within the United States. Golden Eagle considered a number of factors when evaluating its options with respect to its Bolivian operations, including:

The re-election for a new 5-year term in December 2009 of Bolivia's current administration, which has proven to be unsupportive of U.S. investment in Bolivia, and the continuing negative political and social environment relative to U.S. companies;

Golden Eagle's continuing difficulties in meeting its financial and other obligations due to all of the above factors.

Golden Eagle's CEO, Terry C. Turner, stated, "Given all of the circumstances, we believe this is a very advantageous outcome for our company." Mr. Turner continued, "We have had a long, and often challenging, association with Bolivia. The time has come for us to focus our efforts and resources on developing our interests in north-central Nevada and the recovery of just compensation from our litigation with Yukon-Nevada Gold Corp. regarding its breach of our operating contract for the Jerritt Canyon gold mill north of Elko, Nevada."

Blane Wilson, Golden Eagle's Chief Operating Officer (COO) said, "With the transfer of control of our Bolivian operations, and the restructuring of our Company, we believe we are now in a position to more fully realize the potential of our 4,000 tpd Gold Bar gold mill, and to seek out other mining and milling opportunities that may enhance our shareholders' value."

Golden Eagle recommends that you review its disclosures, risk statements, previous press releases, annual reports, quarterly reports and current reports found at its website:

Eagle E-mail Alerts: If you are interested in receiving Eagle E-mail Alerts, please e-mail the Golden Eagle at:

CONTACT: Sabrina Martinez in Investor Relations:
(801) 619-9320


Trend Mining TRDM
Victim of the gold suppression by the central banks. Went silent a couple years ago but may have resources still hidden and waiting to emerge again at the right time? Worth speculating a small amount of money at the dead low price it is at. Doubt if it will go lower in price with the precious metals making their big run up. Even if it has little left, just the fact it is a mining company should float it along with the others as the rush to metals happens. Companies like this are a mystery and digging into them to find out the full truth tends to chew up to much time and resources. The fact is they have mining company after their name and the biggest boom in precious metals and natural resources in the history of this earth is about to happen. What they have for sure who knows but at their current low price do you want to be left out when the tsunami of panic investors begin buying any thing they get their hands on with mining company attached to their name. I bought some at bottom just for the fun of it to see what happens.


Clinton Mining Co. CFTN
Clifton is one of those rare companies that has the pioneer long term personality that was formed in 1993 but their history goes a lot further back in the consolidation of the individual claims. This company will be a gem once the dust is polished off and investors see the true value. The Company also wisely started a medical company that manufactures silver products for use in the medical field that has done very well so far. Just finished a 30 year process of claim buying and consolidation that goes back further than the company itself. Now that it has it all rapped up in July of 2009 it signed a production contract with another operating company to mine all its properties. Not wasting any time. This little company will be one of the great price percentage gainers of all times in the next three years. The one company you do not want to be left behind on. Will take a couple years to get in real production so this is a 2-3 year horizon stock. I own it an and will watch it grow to be a 10 bagger many times over before it is done.

ALPINE, UT, Feb 18, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Clifton's Management would like to update shareholders on the progress made in the joint venture with Desert Hawk.
Desert Hawk has now been working on the property for 6 months, reviewing previous work and doing their own drilling. They have now affirmed their position stating, "Our objective is to produce the resources based on the existing data supplemented with our own confirming work." They are already moving forward on a multi-staged approach to production.
The first stage is a high-grade copper/gold heap leach at the Clifton mill site. The mill site has been cleaned and prepared for the construction to begin on the two acre pad. Permit adjustments have been filed and we are awaiting approvals. Desert Hawk has budgeted $1 million to bring this area into production, having reported that it is common to find copper grades exceeding 3%, gold values ranging from 0.3 ounce per ton (opt) -.50 opt and silver at 1 opt or more.
The second stage includes the construction of an 800,000 square foot heap leach pad and process facility for the Kiewit project. Desert Hawk has budgeted $3.3 million for this project and has written: "We anticipate 20,000 ounces of gold will be produced in the first 2 years with more thereafter." This could be supplemented with ore from nearby locations.
Said Clifton management, "We have been impressed with both the quality and the amount of work completed by Desert Hawk in just the first six months of the joint venture. We look forward to updating our shareholders in the next few months with respect to additional permitting and construction on the two pads."
Clifton trades on the U.S. OTC: (CFTN).


Coeur D'Alene Mines CDE:NYSE
The largest single silver producer in the world. Can not say enough good about the company. Check it out yourself as there is to much to put in this brief summary. This will be one of the great percentage gainers of the large mining companies and the stock price may well end up in the hundreds of dollars per share before the final mania in mining tops out in about 5 years from now. I bought it dirt cheap during the dot-com mania years ago when no one wanted it. My retirement nest egg all in one company. High recommendation. See their website for a better look.


Goldrich Mines GRMC
This company which use to be called Little Squaw Creek mining company, runs operations above the Arctic Circle. As the below article tells they are in limited production finally and will expand rapidly in the next year. They will learn how to work around the cold periods in the winter and be able to do work year round even in the extreme conditions. This company will remain independent as they need no one and you expect a steady increase in price. One of the true pioneer small mining companies that is isolated from the corruption of the gold cartel. A good buy at the current price that will pay off handsomely at the peak of the gold market in a few years.


Hawthorne Gold HWTHF
Hawthorne Gold Corp. is a Canadian-based gold exploration and development company with key properties located in British Columbia, Canada. Hawthorne Gold is led by respected mining leaders Richard Barclay and Michael Beley. Hawthorne's goal is to become a junior gold producer by working towards production at the Cassiar Gold Mine in early 2010 and continued resource development at the Taurus and Frasergold deposits. Utilizing the management expertise in mine-finding, construction and operation, Hawthorne Gold anticipates pursuing additional exploration and late stage development projects. Refer to their website for a better look. At their current low price like many on this stock list thet are a bargain. When the rush to metals really begins this one will be one of the big winners.

Infinito Gold IGFFF
Infinito has a bright future once it gets past the the impasse that the corrupt government of Costa Rica has put up. Every to bit third world government in Asia, Africa and the entire Latin American zone of South America, Central America and Mexico are trying to get their grubby hands on assets rightfully earned by others. The mining companies involved have a long hard road but if they stay calm and are persistent they will prevail and so will Infinito Gold. When the gold prices go hyperbolic the grubby dictators and politicians will realize they are missing the boat and cease the illegal restrictions on companies like Infinito. Infinito is a steal at this price but it will take several years for the true valuation to be recognized in this company due to the illegal delays. Load up on the stock now while no one else wants it and be patient for the pay off. I own it at this cheap price knowing it will have it's day. See their website for updates.

Infinito Gold Ltd. is a gold exploration & development company based in Calgary, Canada, in the process of transisting from junior explorer to gold producer. The development of the Crucitas Mine is underway in Costa Rica, with production and positive cash flow expected to begin as early as 2009. This signifies a major step forward for Infinito Gold and its shareholders. Infinito Gold has an arbitral claim against the Government of Venezuela being heard before an International Arbitration Tribunal seeking ~US$ 1 billion in damages and lost profits arising from the expropriation of its Las Cristinas deposit which contains an estimated 12 million ounces of gold. The Company also holds gold and diamond prospects in Guyana under agreement with Shoreham Resources Ltd. of Toronto.

New Jersey Mining NJMC
I expect that Newmont will buy out New Jersey in a stock swap within the next year. Cheap price for a good small mining company with good assets that will turn into Newmont. I have watched this company for years and it would have been well on it's way to being a mid level producer/exploration company had not it suffered from the gold manipulation of the gold cartel of the Central Banks. I own stock in it bought at below current price.
PRESS RELEASE April 19th 2010
New Jersey Mining Company Starts Mill and Prepares to Mobilize to Silver Strand MineKellogg, Idaho. New Jersey Mining Company (NJMC: OTCBB) is pleased to announce that it has completed improvements to its concentrate leach plant and started to process ore through its mill near Kellogg. Preparations are also underway to begin mobilizing a crew of miners to the Silver Strand mine. Work completed at the mill in March and April has focused on improvements to the concentrate leach plant (CLP) such as modifications to the electro-winning cell to improve recovery, a new drive system to reduce leaks in the re-pulper, and the installation of stainless steel piping to increase safety. Initially, a batch of custom ore is being processed at the mill and then material
from an exploration raise at the New Jersey mine will be processed. Mobilization to the Silver Strand mine will begin in late April and work on the mine will start the first week of May. It is expected that about one month of work is required to prepare for mining
operations with ore shipments to the New Jersey mill starting in June. The grade of the block of ore to be mined at the Silver Strand is 361 grams per tonne (gpt) silver and 5.43 gpt gold. Initially, the planned production rate is 400 tonnes per month which is expected to accelerate in the autumn. An exploration raise is being mined at the New Jersey mine on a newly found vein. The new vein is steeply dipping and strikes more east-west than the main Coleman vein which strikes more north and south. The vein width ranges from 0.2 meters to 0.6 meters, and chip samples ranged from 1.27 to 19.75 gpt gold averaging 6.98 gpt gold. Future drilling and extension of the raise will be necessary to determine if an economic ore shoot can be found. It is important to note that the east-west orientation of this new vein system has not been tested by past drilling
New Jersey Mining Company is involved in exploring for and developing gold, silver and base metal resources in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District of northern Idaho. New Jersey Mining Company has a portfolio of mineral properties in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District including the Toboggan project, the Niagara copper-silver deposit, the Golden Chest project, the New Jersey mine, and the Silver Strand mine. The New Jersey mine includes a fully-permitted flotation mill and concentrate leach plant.

New Jersey Mining Company Completes Placement and Plans Production

KELLOGG, Idaho, Mar 15, 2010 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- New Jersey Mining Company (OTCBB:NJMC) is pleased to announce that it has completed a private placement of 3,115,000 Units at $0.17 per Unit for gross proceeds of $529,550. Proceeds are planned to be used to start gold and silver production at the New Jersey mill in Kellogg with ore mined from the Company's Silver Strand and New Jersey mines.
Each Unit consists of one share of common stock plus one warrant with each warrant exercisable into a share of common stock at a price of $0.30 until January 31, 2013. Pennaluna & Co. of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, acted as the placement agent for the offering.
Proceeds will be used to start gold and silver production at the New Jersey mill where a crew is already working on minor modifications and improvements to the concentrate leaching circuit. The New Jersey mill is capable of producing gold-silver dore' bars by using direct-electrowinning of a pregnant solution. Processing operations are planned to start in April with material from exploration drifting on the Coleman vein at the New Jersey mine. A mining crew has already started work on the Coleman vein with several rounds blasted already.
Mobilization to the Silver Strand mine is planned for early May as stipulated by the operating permit with the USFS. It is expected that about one month of preparation work will be required before shipment of ore to the mill begins. The plan calls for mining about 4,000 tonnes from an ore block above the No. 3 Level. Current prices for gold and silver make the economics of mining at the Silver Strand attractive as the ore is relatively high grade at 361 grams per tonne (gpt) silver and 5.43 gpt gold.
The Company is currently searching for potential joint venture partners to fund the development of its Golden Chest mine. The Company has developed a mine plan with a budget of about $3 million that would complete the ramp to the Idaho vein and start mining a higher grade portion of the vein in six months at an annual rate of 10,000 ounces of gold per year. Ore would be shipped to the fully-permitted New Jersey mill in Kellogg. Concurrent with mining, a surface and underground core drilling program of 10,000 meters would commence. The objective of the mine plan would be to determine if the construction of a large flotation mill at the Golden Chest, capable of producing 50,000 ounces of gold per year, can be justified.
New Jersey Mining Company is involved in exploring for and developing gold, silver and base metal resources in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District of northern Idaho. New Jersey Mining Company has a portfolio of mineral properties in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District including the Toboggan project, the Niagara copper-silver deposit, the Golden Chest project, the New Jersey mine, and the Silver Strand mine. The New Jersey mine includes a fully-permitted flotation mill and concentrate leach plant.

Shoshone Silver/Gold Mining Company SHSH
Shoshone is an old fashion do it alone mining company that will do well in the future at its own pace. It has good asset claims and now that it has combined with Kimberly mining company it now has gold deposits and facilities to mine it. Company has bright future just be patient and it will pay off. This company could in the end be a 10,000 percent gainer from the current price. With only 30 million shares outstanding this company is a deal and one of those companies that will make you rich by large stock purchases of it at the current depressed price. I bought a truck load of stock years ago when few people knew it even existed and a rock bottom prices. One of Idaho's Silver Valley big winners in the future.

Shoshone Silver/Gold to Ship Metals Concentrates to Smelter

COEUR D' ALENE, ID, Mar 30, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Shoshone Silver/Gold Mining Company (OTCBB: SHSH) is pleased to announce that it has signed a 2010 contract for its silver concentrates produced at Shoshone's Lakeview Mill in northern Idaho. The shipment containing silver/gold/lead/zinc concentrates will be shipped to the smelter in early April.
With the return of favorable metals prices, Shoshone has aggressively pursued the transition back from being an exploration company to being a silver and gold producing company once more. This shipment of metals concentrates produced at the Lakeview Mill marks a milestone for Shoshone and it signals Shoshone's reemergence as a production company after a long hiatus.
"With the Lakeview Mill back into silver production, Shoshone can now shift its focus to bringing the company's 120 ton per day onsite mill near its Rescue Gold Mine back into gold production," stated Shoshone's President, Lex Smith.
Shoshone plans to concentrate its efforts this year on its Rescue Mine project, while at the same time it will be making silver concentrates at its Lakeview mill from stockpiled ore. There is enough stockpiled ore, some of it already crushed, to feed the mill at least through the end of the summer of 2010.
Founded in 1969 as a silver exploration, Shoshone is a company with an impressive portfolio of properties including approximately 2,992 acres (1,211 hectares) in its "Silver Division," approximately 2,125 acres (896 hectares) in its "Gold Division," and approximately 200 acres (80 hectares) of "Potential Platinum" properties. The company has minimal corporate debt, a large inventory of mining equipment owned by the company, and top management with over 106 years of mining industry experience.
Shoshone Silver/Gold Leases Claims From Merger Mines Corporation

COEUR D' ALENE, ID, Dec 14, 2009 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Shoshone Silver/Gold Mining Company (OTCBB: SHSH) announced today that it has reached an agreement with Merger Mines Corporation of Coeur d' Alene, Idaho to lease from them 35 patented mining claims in the heart of the Coeur d' Alene Mining District's "Silver Belt" located in Shoshone County between properties owned by Coeur d' Alene Mines and Sterling Mining Company. These claims represent Merger's entire interest in the Camp Project joint venture. Shoshone has a 15 year lease on the claims with an option to lease them for an additional 15 years. In return for their claims Merger will receive shares of Shoshone stock, a net smelter return, and annual advance royalty payments. "The acquisition of these claims greatly enhances Shoshone's position in the heart of the Silver Valley. The exploration potential for the Merger claims is very promising which makes them an integral part of Shoshone's plans for the future," stated Shoshone's president Lex Smith.

Sterling Mining SRLMQ
Sterling once had a fabulous opportunity by leasing the Sunshine Mine and putting it back in operation. Their big mistake was assuming that the gold suppression Cartel of the Central Banks was over and that any large drops in the price of gold were history. We all found out different. Sterling was not prepared for such a catastrophe and failed to build up their cash reserves prior to the markets fall. With the price of Gold and Silver suppressed greater than any time in history in such a short period of time, the Sunshine Mine became unprofitable until the prices recovered. The Management assumed like many people did that there was clear sailing with steady increases in the price of metals for years to come. The company had little cash reserves and failed to sell company stock when the stock prices were high and with the banks across the country lending to no one in their effort to survive themselves, put Sterling in a rapid downward spiral. They put themselves into protective bankruptcy to ride the storm which appears to have passed. As the news release below shows Sterling has pulled it off with the impending buy out by ALBERTA STAR DEVELOPMENT CORP. Sterlings current symbol until out of bankruptcy is SRLMQ on
Kootenay Gold Joins Alberta Star's Bid to Acquire One of the Worlds Largest Producers of Silver-the Sterling Mining Company & the Sunshine Silver Mine
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Mar 08, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Alberta Star Development Corp. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: ASX)(OTCBB: ASXSF)(FRANKFURT: QLD) is pleased to announce that has entered into a letter agreement with Kootenay Gold Inc. ("Kootenay"), whereby the Company and Kootenay have agreed to cooperate in a joint bid to acquire a 100% interest in Sterling Mining Company ("Sterling") and its assets, and provide for financing of Sterling's continuing operations and development. The Company is a "qualified bidder" under the Sterling plan of reorganization.
Sterling's "Sunshine Mine" located near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA, has been one of the world's largest producers of silver, having recorded production of over 360 million ounces of silver since 1904. A 2007 Canadian "National Instrument 43-101- Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" report (the "Report") by Behre Dolbear & Company estimated remaining resources as follows:
-- Measured and Indicated resources of 31.51 million ounces of silver in
1.43 million tonnes at 21.8 ounces of silver per tonne
-- Inferred resources of 231.5 million ounces of silver in 2.28 million
tons at 101.6 ounces of silver per tonne.

A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources, the issuer is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources and the historical estimate should not be relied upon. The Report can be found under Sterling's profile with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and available in Canada at
Sterling is currently a debtor-in-possession in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the District of Idaho, U.S.A. Sterling is engaged in the business of acquiring, exploring, developing and mining mineral properties primarily those containing silver and associated base and precious metals. Sterling operates the Sunshine Silver Mine in Idaho and has exploration projects in Idaho, U.S.A. Sterling was incorporated under the laws of the State of Idaho on February 3, 1903 and its common shares are currently listed on the (OTCBB: SRLMQ).
Alberta Star and Kootenay both maintain strong balance sheets, maintain seasoned and qualified management in both exploration & underground mining. Both companies are seeking to fulfill their stated mandates of creating long term shareholder value through the discovery of base and precious metals and by acquiring additional world class, advanced stage exploration and production projects.
As previously announced by the Company (refer to the Company's press release of June 10, 2009), the Company filed a "Notice of Appearance and Request for Special Notice" with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Idaho, U.S.A. (the "Court") regarding Sterling and subsequently executed a Binding Term Sheet which is superseded by the acquisition agreement (the "Agreement") dated November 17, 2009 between the Company and Sterling. Pursuant to the Agreement, the Company has agreed to acquire up to 100% interest in Sterling and its assets and provide for financing of Sterling's ongoing operations. The Agreement contains a number of conditions precedent to the obligations of the parties. Unless all of such conditions are satisfied or waived by the party for whose benefit such conditions exist, to the extent that they may be capable of waiver, the proposed transaction will not proceed. There is no assurance that the conditions will be satisfied or waived on a timely basis, or at all. Such conditions include: an order ("Order") of the Court approving a Plan of Reorganization of Sterling (the "Plan of Reorganization"); all claims of all the creditors of Sterling are paid, satisfied, settled or compromised under the Plan of Reorganization and that all other consents and approvals, including regulatory approvals, are obtained. The proposed transaction has not been approved by the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") and remains subject to Exchange approval.
There can be no assurance that the proposed transaction will be completed as proposed or at all. The proposed transaction is an "arms length transaction" as defined in Exchange Policy 1.1.
Sterling has filed its Second Amended Disclosure Statement ("Disclosure Statement") in the bankruptcy proceedings. The Disclosure Statement has been approved by the Court and contains a Plan of Reorganization for Sterling. The Sterling Plan of Reorganization proposes a bidding process for 100% of the issued and outstanding common stock of Sterling entitling the purchaser to all assets of Sterling.
The key dates for the sale process are as follows:
February 15, 2010 Due date for deposits and qualification of bidders
March 31, 2010, 5:00pm Due date for bids
April 5, 2010, 8:00am Auction
April 6, 2010, 9:30am Plan confirmation hearing and sale approval hearing
April 15, 2010 Sale closing date

The Sterling Plan of Reorganization sets forth specific bidding procedures and processes which must be followed. The Sterling Plan of Reorganization and the Disclosure Statement are available at (a) the Clerk's Office of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Idaho, located at 6450 N. Mineral Dr., Couer d'Alene, ID 83815; or (b) online at (a fee-based registration is required to access the information on this website).
The Company is a "qualified bidder" under the Sterling Plan of Reorganization and the Company intends, subject to Court and Exchange approval, and being the highest bidder to acquire not less than 100% of the outstanding Sterling shares, and for Sterling to exit the Chapter 11 process with the following assets in place: its interest in the Sunshine Silver Mine, facilities, Sunshine Silver Mine lease, and exploration interest in the Sterling exploration projects in Idaho.
In addition, the Company upon meeting of the above referenced conditions, including the confirmation of a Plan of Reorganization, will reconstitute the Sterling Board of Directors and make additions to senior management of Sterling.
The Company believes that the proposed acquisition of Sterling represents a significant opportunity for the Company to become a near-term, mid-tier silver producer.
The Company maintains a strong balance sheet and has no long term debt. The Company continues to maintain seasoned and qualified management and seeks to fulfill its stated mandate of acquiring a world class advanced stage exploration and production projects.
The Company is a Canadian mineral exploration company that identifies, acquires and finances advanced stage mineral exploration projects in North America. The Company is committed to creating long term shareholder value through the discovery of base and precious metals.
Investors are welcomed to contact Benjamin Curry of Progressive I.R. Consultants Corp. at (604) 689-2881, the Company's Investor Relations specialists for all corporate updates, and investor inquiries, or Morgan Brewster, Corporate Development of the Company at (778) 989-2739 or
The in house qualified person is Michael Bersch PhD, LPG., CPG., who is the Chief geologist of the Company and who has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.

Thunder Mountain THMG
Merger with Kenai will put Thunder Mountain closer to being a mid-level secure mining company. I do not think they will be taken over by one of the giant companies since they have a track record that goes back 73 years. They will in the end become one of the giants the way Kinross Gold did through it's take overs of smaller companies that added to it's reserves. This is one of the last companies to sell as it will take time for it's consolidation of the two companies into one and the recognition of it's true value by investors. With less than 15 million shares outstanding and no record of reverse splits to bring the share count down in their 73 year history makes this company an incredible bargain. This company is the real thing of pioneer spirit and mining experience. Buy up as much stock of this company as you can and hang on to it till the end.

Amerix Preciuos Metals Corp APMFF
Amerix Precious Metals Corporation is an Ontario company exploring for precious metals in Brazil. Amerix's objective is to create value for shareholders through expansion of bedrock gold resources, and development of placer and tailings gold resources. Brazil has enormous gold potential and is a proven mining-friendly country. In 2009 Amerix executed a Definitive Agreement with a Brazilian Consortium (the "Consortium") to receive a gross royalty of 2.5% and settle option payments on the southern Ouro Roxo Concessions.Under terms of the Definitive Agreement, the Consortium will acquire 100% of the exploration permits containing the southern Ouro Roxo deposits, with Amerix retaining a 2.5% Gross Royalty on all gold production. In addition, the Consortium assumes all outstanding and future gold option payments relating to the southern Ouro Roxo Concessions. The southern Ouro Roxo concessions are subject to an existing underlying 2.0% gross royalty payable to Matapi Mineral Exploration Ltd. ("Matapi"). Amerix has the right to buy-out this underlying 2.0% gross royalty and is currently in negotiations with Matapi concerning this matter. The Consortium will also pay the annual land taxes of approximately Brazilian Reals $170,000 (~Cdn$103,000) and will be required to submit the final mining report to the Brazilian National Mining Authority to convert the exploration permits to a mining concession in accordance with Brazilian Mining Law. With the completion of the 2.5% Gross Royalty deal on all gold from the Ouro Roxo Concessions Amerix will focus on exploring and developing the Limão property. The initial sampling results from the Limão Gold Property located in the highly prospective Tapajós Gold Province in Central Brazil. Amerix has confirmed the presence of high grade gold mineralization hosted in syeno-granitic intrusive rocks with values up to 106.6 g/t Au or 3.76 oz/t Au. The initial due diligence consisted of 14 rock samples and 134 one-metre auger samples. The Company's review and due diligence of the area consisted initially of satellite/aerial photography and location of the artisanal workings. A crew was mobilized to the property and re-established the camp and airstrip. A small grid was established for sampling and mapping control over the pit area and other artisanal workings. A total of 11 float samples were taken from sulphide-rich syeno-granitic rocks located in the pit area. Results range from 2.37 g/t Au to 106.6 g/t Au with an average of 38.5 g/t Au or 1.12 oz/t Au. The Company believes these samples to be representative of bedrock mineralization at the bottom of the open pit which was previously mined by local miners. The open pit is now filled with water and is believed to be 20 metres deep.
News Release - March 9, 2010 5:36 PM ET 
Amerix Precious Metals Expanding Extreme High Grade Gold and Large Royalty Income Stream in Brazil
With only ~105M shares outstanding and trading under CDN$0.10 APM.V is poised for significant upside revaluation. The Ouro Roxo royalty alone is expected to result in payments to Amerix of ~$150K - $250K per month by year three or four, starting with initial payments (based on today's gold) price of $15K - $20K per month this year as the consortium processes the tailings. Considering the income stream and inherent value of the Limão Gold Project it is very realistic for investors taking a long position now to see APM.V fully capitalized for all 2010 exploration efforts sitting with ~140 - 145M shares outstanding with a $30M - $35M market cap at ~$0.25 a share as they perform drilling this year.
NEW YORK, NY, March 9, 2010 /Sector Newswire/ - Mining MarketWatch Journal has published a review on Amerix Precious Metals Corp. (TSX-V: APM) (Frankfurt: NJG) US Listing: APMFF) offering insight and opportunity afforded investors as APM.V will this year see the beginning of a royalty income expected to result in payments to Amerix of ~$150K - $250K per month in year four. The income stream comes from the sale of Ouro Roxo where APM.V retained a 2.5% Gross Royalty. This situation now allows Amerix to focuse on developing its 100% owned Limão gold project where an extreme high grade gold deposit has already been established at a historic past producing open pit rudimentarily mined by locals. Limao appears prospective to rival other successes in the Tapajos Gold Region of Brazil such as the nearby Cuiu Cuiu project of Magellan.
The full review and valuation commentary may be found at:
Developments on two gold projects in the prolific Tapajos Gold Province in Central Brazil will fundamentally change the inherent value of the Amerix Precious Metals Corp. (TSX-V: APM):
1) Limão Gold Project (100% owned) - APM.V has significant high grade gold deposit in the pit area at Limao to be expanded on in 2010 and surface indicators in other target areas indicate the potential for rapid grow. Historic intercepts in the pit area include 47 g/t gold over 13m and 18.74 g/t gold over 6.85m. Recently APM.V sampled sulphid-rich syeno-granitic rocks located in the pit area with results ranging from 2.37 g/t gold to 106.6 g/t gold with an average of 38.5 g/t gold. Geologists believe these samples to be representative of bedrock mineralization at the bottom of the open pit which was superficially mined by locals using primitive methods.
2) Royalty Income Stream - Amerix will be the beneficiary of a royalty income stream as the Company retained a 2.5% Gross Royalty from when they sold the Ouro Roxo property and production is set to begin on Ouro Roxo beginning Q3 2010. Based on the mining plan filed with the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and our assessment of the operation Mining MarketWatch Journal estimates APM.V will generate in excess of $20M worth of royalties on Ouro Roxo over the life of the mine.. Amerix is also fostering a symbiotic long term relationship with the Brazilian consortium as they have proven mining expertise in the region and Amerix has proven exploration expertise -- this relationship will be mutually beneficial when it comes time to take Limão into production.

Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. ASGMF
Avino knows how to mine and has proven it for 27 years operating the Avino Mine in Mexico. With the reactivation of the Avino Mine which should be producing again by the 1st of 2010, the company will once again be on track for to develop the rest of its resources. Current drilling, I.P. Geophysics, Satellite Imagery, and 3D Modeling have indicated new mineral zones in under-explored areas of the property. This provides the company targeted areas that could expand their resources significantly. Avino also holds precious metals properties in British Columbia and Yukon Territory. This company has a bright future and will continually move forward as the metal prices increase. The steady increase in stock price of the company tells the story. This will continue until all the rest of the mining companies top out at the parabolic topping phase of the precious metals some time in 2012. Avino is well funded with a cash position of approximately C$3.3 million putting them in a strong position for continued growth and their goal of bringing the mine back into production. Buy this one now and put it on the shelf and just sit back and wait.
Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.: San Gonzalo-Bulk Sampling Update

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 28, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: ASM)(OTCBB: ASGMF)(BERLIN: GV6)(FRANKFURT: GV6) (the "Company") is pleased to provide the following update on the San Gonzalo bulk sampling program. A significant milestone was achieved yesterday with the acceptance of the power proposal provided by Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE). Plans are in place to have the power transmission lines reconnected in the first week of February in order to service the 250tpd milling operation.
Testing all the processing equipment on a dry run basis will commence shortly to test all electrical and mechanical equipment for deficiencies and assess and correct as necessary the mills operation prior to testing with actual feed. The plan is to process stockpiled ore from past years for commissioning. Flotation tests on sample material is currently taking place at lab facilities of SGS in Durango; results are pending.
DMG, the mining contractor, has made good progress to date on the ramp and decline to intersect the San Gonzalo vein. As of January 25th, an advance of 58 meters from the portal entrance has been completed with approximately 204 meters to go. At the current rate we expect to reach our target by approximately the end of March.
Construction of the mine office, mechanical shop, the fuel storage and the related containment structure near the entrance to the decline were started last month and should be completed within the next two weeks.
Key personnel hired since our last news release includes a Mining Engineer whose responsibility will be to monitor the ongoing development of the mine and the Mining Contractor. We expect to have a Plant Manager and assayer within the next two months.
David Wolfin, President

Caledonia Mining CALVF
I have watched this company for years and have always been amazed the tenacity of the management in dealing with the politics of what ever dictator is running the country it has operations out of. Their stand against the Zimbabwe government along with the other mining companies freed them from the grips of confiscation by the government of gold mined. Africa and it's dictators will in the next few years learn from this and when that happens there will be fortunes made on the continent by the small mining companies like Caledonia that have stayed the course and expanded under difficult conditions. Caledonia is an exploration, development and mining corporation focused on Africa. The Corporation's primary assets are a gold operation in Zimbabwe, a base metals exploration project in Zambia (Nama), platinum group and base metals (PGE) projects in South Africa (Rooipoort/Mapochs) and a non-producing gold mine in South Africa (Eersteling) which has been identified for possible disposal. Caledonia also has diamond projects in Zambia and South Africa. Now that Blanket has been returned to a production level of approximately 550 tonnes per day ("tpd") the focus is now on completing the No. 4 Shaft Expansion Project to achieve the planned 40,000 ounces of gold production per annum. In addition to the No. 4 Shaft Expansion Project, judicious expenditure on the essential sustaining capital expenditure will continue to progressively remedy the lack of investment over the last few years due to foreign currency shortages. Activity at Nama and Rooipoort/Mapochs properties will be determined by available cash resources. Caledonia will be big in Africa within 5 years and at it's current depressed price it is a bargain that will make you rich in the future.


CanAlaska Uranium CVVUF
When uranium comes back in favor this company will take off in price. Governments around the world are sizing up nuclear energy - a means of generating electricity - as an alternative to expensive fossil fuels such as crude oil and coal, which pollute the atmosphere when burned. China and other emerging markets are also ramping up nuclear power production as they're compelled to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut their dependence on foreign oil. It's the same story in the United States and other advanced economy countries - including France and Japan - the two largest nuclear power markets. The drive to cut emissions, not only in Asia, but also in Europe and elsewhere is a very important positive impulse for uranium prices. Statistics on nuclear reactors tell the story. According to the World Nuclear Association there are 435 operating reactors around the world, 53 are under construction, 136 are planned and 299 have been proposed. Also, we're at the point where uranium prices have already crashed. Spot prices have tanked more than 67% from their all-time highs just three years ago. The way to play uranium is to buy her after a correction - which is exactly where we're at today. CanAlaska boldly states that their mission is to find more large deposits. When the rush back to nuclear power happens as the price of petroleum and gasoline goes through the roof, mining companies like CanAlaska stock price will also go through the roof. Just look at all the foreign companies that have an interest in it. They are not doing it for their health. They know what is going to happen and are stocking up on companies like CanAlaska. The company is undertaking uranium exploration in twenty 100%-owned and three optioned uranium projects in Canada's Athabasca Basin the "Saudi Arabia of Uranium". Since September 2004, the Company has aggressively acquired one of the largest land positions in the region, comprising over 2,500,000 acres (10,117 sq. km or 3,906 sq. miles). To-date, CanAlaska has expended over Cdn$60 million exploring its properties and has delineated multiple uranium targets. CanAlaska's geological expertise and high exploration profile has attracted the attention of major international strategic partners. Among others, Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi Corporation has undertaken to provide the Company C$11 mil. in exploration funding for its West McArthur Project. Exploration of CanAlaska's Cree East Project is also progressing under a C$19 mil. joint venture with a consortium of Korean companies led by Hanwha Corporation, and comprising Korea Electric Power Corp., Korea Resources Corp. and SK Energy Co, Ltd. Exploration has recently commenced on the Poplar Project with Chinese mining partner East Resources Inc., comprising a potential 100,000 metres of drill testing. In addition, Canadian explorer Kodiak Exploration has also optioned the McTavish Project to advance exploration with the goal of attaining a 60% project interest earn-in by delineating a minimum of 35 million pounds U3O8. Buy it cheap, it will be the last time you can.

Vancouver, Canada, February 15th, 2010 - CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (TSX.V -- CVV) ("CanAlaska" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that as at February 12th, 2010, MC Resources Canada Ltd., a wholly--owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, completed the Cdn$11 million investment specified under the project's option agreement and formally earned a 50% ownership interest in the West McArthur uranium project. A 50:50 joint venture has been established between CanAlaska West McArthur Uranium Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, and MC Resources Canada Ltd. CanAlaska West McArthur Uranium is the Operator of the joint venture. To facilitate the long-term planning of the project, Mitsubishi Corporation and CanAlaska have outlined a Cdn$20 million five-year program of exploration that will progressively test the current targets areas and reach across the remainder of the property to evaluate other target areas.
The Company has already commenced exploration work for the 2010 Winter season. Geophysical crews started fieldwork in preparation for a $3.5m drill program on the West McArthur project. A drill contract for a minimum of 6,500 metres of drilling, utilizing two drill rigs has now been executed with Cyr Drilling International Ltd. Cyr Drilling has worked with the Company on drill projects at West McArthur since 2005, and is well-provisioned to complete this winter's drill program. The Company has been particularly anxious to re-commence drill testing on the Grid 1-2 area of the project, which has been in hiatus for the past two years. Prior drilling by the Company in this area had intercepted trace uranium mineralization in three separate drill holes. The nature of the alteration associated with the drilling, as well as from earlier geophysical surveys,  indicated a number of discrete targets "A" to "D" in the Grid 1-2 area, as shown in Figure 1, which have been the subject of intense review,re-testing and prioritization for the past field seasons. At least seven drill holes will be completed over the winter season on these high-priority targets.
Peter Dasler, President & CEO, commented, "We are very pleased to have been able to work with Mitsubishi for the past four years in expanding the knowledge of this very strategic project. We are located in a very mineral-rich area, adjoining one of the largest uranium mines in the world. Our preliminary work and drilling has indicated the style of targets that hold promise for significant uranium discovery. The strength and continued support of Mitsubishi Corporation is allowing us to reach for our goals."
The Qualified Technical Person for this news release is Peter G. Dasler, P. Geo.

Vancouver, Canada, March 17th, 2010 -- CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (CVV -- TSX.V) (the "Company") is pleased to be able to report that, after a 3-year hiatus, the Manitoba Government has completed consultation with local First Nations and has issued exploration permits for ground work and drilling on CanAlaska's NE Wollaston Project. These permits now allow CanAlaska to proceed to unlock the value of its previous $7 million of exploration expenditures, and entertain new partnerships for ongoing intensive exploration, in an environment where local communities are strongly supportive of the Company's efforts.

About CanAlaska Uranium 
CANALASKA URANIUM LTD. (CVV -- TSX.V, CVVUF -- OTCBB, DH7 -- Frankfurt) is undertaking uranium exploration in twenty 100%-owned and three optioned uranium projects in Canada's Athabasca Basin -- the "Saudi Arabia of Uranium". Since September 2004, the Company has aggressively acquired one of the largest land positions in the region, comprising over 2,500,000 acres (10,117 sq. km or 3,906 sq. miles). To-date, CanAlaska has expended over Cdn$60 million exploring its properties and has delineated multiple uranium targets.

CanAlaska's geological expertise and high exploration profile has attracted the attention of major international strategic partners. Among others, Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi Corporation has provided the Company C$11 mil. in exploration funding to earn a 50% ownership interest in the West McArthur Project. Exploration of CanAlaska's Cree East Project is also progressing under a C$19 mil. joint venture with a consortium of Korean companies led by Hanwha Corporation, and comprising Korea Electric Power Corp., Korea Resources Corp. and SK Energy Co, Ltd., in which the Korean Consortium presently holds a 40.6% ownership interest. Other Company projects in the Athabasca Basin scheduled for drill testing during this winter 2010 season include McTavish, Collins Bay Extension and Helmer.

For more information visit


Canarc Resource CRCUF
The Company is advancing the development of its core asset, the New Polaris gold mine project, a past producing, high grade gold property in northern British Columbia. Canarc's geological team is exploring the attractive Tay LP gold property located in the Tintina Gold Belt in south-central Yukon. The Tay-LP property consists of 413 claims covering a 20 km-long by 4 km-wide belt of gold prospects (approximately 80 sq. km or 8,000 hectares) that were first discovered by prospecting in 1984. Tay-LP enjoys good road access from both Ross River and Whitehorse via the South Canol Road and a four-wheel drive access road to the old camp on Seagull Creek. Several million dollars are estimated to have been spent on exploration since 1984 by Cominco (1984-87), Pacific Comox (1988-99), Newmont (2000-01) and Ross River (2002-04). As a result, Canarc has inherited a large exploration database, including 1382 km of airborne geophysical surveys, 3 geochemical soil grids, 2 ground geophysical grids, 12 reverse circulation drill holes, and 53 diamond drill holes. Canarc stock price is grossly undervalued at the current price . This company will prove to be one of the great bargains as soon as the big move toward the metals happens. With Barrick Gold Corp. as a shareholder this is a metal investors dream come true given it's assets and low stock price.
Canada : Canarc Updates NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment Report, Improves Project Economics for the New Polaris Gold Mine Project

Jan 13, 2010 (MENA News from Al-Bawaba via COMTEX) -- Canarc Resource Corp. (TSX: CCM)(OTCBB: CRCUF)(DBFRANKFURT: CAN) announces that an updated NI 43-101 preliminary economic assessment report ("PEA") by Moose Mountain Technical Services (Moose Mountain") on the New Polaris gold mine project in northwestern British Columbia has significantly improved the estimated project economics for an 80,000 oz per year gold mine.
In the new base case preliminary economic model, higher gold prices appear to have a significant positive impact on the New Polaris gold mine project economics. Using new base case parameters for the gold price ($US 900 per oz), $CA /$US exchange rate (0.95) and cash costs (US$383 per oz), the updated Moose Mountain PEA generates a discounted (5%) after-tax Net Present Value ("NPV") of CA$68.6 million with an after-tax Internal Rate of Return ("IRR") of 25.8% and a 2.7 year pay-back period.
On a pre-tax basis, the undiscounted life-of-mine cash flow totals $153.6 million with a 32.0% IRR and a 2.6 year pay-back period. Given the conceptual nature of the PEA, there is no certainty that the preliminary economic assessment will be realized. However, Moose Mountain concludes that "the base case mine model for New Polaris has the potential for positive results and therefore further work is recommended to optimize the project and complete a feasibility study."
Moose Mountain was retained by Canarc in 2007 to complete a PEA on New Polaris, the results were disclosed in a news release dated August 20, 2007 and their report was filed on SEDAR on October 4, 2007. A revised economic analysis for New Polaris incorporating a higher gold price, lower $CA/$US exchange rate and new off-site treatment terms was disclosed in a news release dated January 7, 2009. In November, 2009, the British Columbia Securities Commission ("BCSC") notified Canarc that their review of both the 2007 Moose Mountain report and the 2009 Canarc news release identified issues of non-compliance with NI 43-101.


Coral Gold Resources CLHRF
Coral Gold's Nevada holdings, with a 2.3 million ounce gold indicated resource, major exploration potential, and strategic location in the midst of Barrick Gold's world-class gold mining operations, is an exceptionally undervalued asset. Coral gold is a prime target for Barrick Gold to take it over in a buy out stock swap for Barrick stock. Coral is fluffing itself up and waiting for it's stock price to get up higher to become part of Barrick. If there was ever a take over in the waiting this is one. Coral has no interest in mining the claims when a rich sugar daddy is next door. Such a buy out will be a major plus for current Coral stock holders. With only 24,989,771 Shares Outstanding and Fully Diluted at 31,941,770 shares, Coral Gold is a steal for it's reserves and as a take over by Barrick.

October 9, 2009 Trading Symbols: TSX Venture - CLH OTC.BB - CLHRF
Berlin and Frankfurt - GV8
Coral Gold Resources Ltd. ("Coral" or the "Company")) announces that it has received the revised resources for Robertson Property utilizing lower cut-off grades to reflect positive movement in the price of gold over the last three years. These revised values are based on the NI 43-101 Technical Report titled Mineral Resource Estimate for the Robertson Property, Lander County, Nevada prepared by Beacon Hill Consultants Ltd. ("Beacon Hill") of Vancouver, British Columbia as announced in the Press Release dated February 11, 2008. The original estimate was based on a gold price of US$600 per ounce which was a conservative estimate of gold prices in 2007, which estimated the inferred gold resources for the Robertson property at over 2.3 million ounces of gold. Gold prices over the last three years have been significantly higher than US$600 and all indicators point towards higher prices in the near, medium and long-term future. Therefore, it is reasonable and prudent to revise the resource estimate with a higher gold price and by extension, cut-off grade which is the threshold gold grade at which the resources are reported and considered to have a reasonable expectation of economic extraction. Based on more reasonable gold prices that reflect the rolling average for the preceding three years, it was decided that of US$850 per ounce should be used at this time to more accurately represent the resources that may be reasonably expected to be extracted. Based on this lower gold cut-off value of 0.0106, the gold resource at Robertson increases to 3.4 million ounces, which is a 47% increase from the previously reported figure. It should be noted that changes in operating costs may change this figure. No work has been done to reflect and change in operating costs as estimated in the Beacon Hill study on which the cut-off grade calculation was based.


First Majestic Silver FRMSF
This company is a great one that started with just one silver mine and through mergers and acquisitions into three mines with more in the future. A great company that is destined to be a large percentage gainer from it's current share price. Review the company's website for further information. Buy it now at it's cheep price because it will be one of the biggest and most profitable companies in silver in the world.

Great Basin Gold GBG
Bright future for this company as it's assets are in a major find in South Africa. Just received funding for it and has been for some time preparing for the opening of the mine without funding. Due to go into production in June of 2010. Has mining assets in the USA which it is also developing. This company that will develop into one of the big ones in the next five years.
April 14, 2010, Vancouver, BC - Great Basin Gold Ltd. ("Great Basin" or the "Company") (TSX: GBG; NYSE Amex: GBG; JSE: GBG) provides a quarterly operational update for its Hollister (USA) and Burnstone (South Africa) projects.
Continued trial mining at the Hollister project resulted in the extraction of 25,777 ore tons containing an estimated 27,707 gold equivalent ounces1 (Au eqv oz) at a grade of 1.07 oz per ton Au eqv (34.8 g/t Au eqv). This is a 40% improvement on the previous (Dec 2009) quarter. Good progress has also been made with 2,270 ft (688 m) of underground development completed, with 1,149 ft (348 m) being in ore and 1,121 ft (340 m) in waste development. This is an improvement of 58% over the 961 ft (291 m) and 479 ft (145 m) reported respectively for the Dec 2009 quarter. Underground exploration and stope delineation drilling has continued. In total, 32 stope-delineation boreholes (9,326 ft / 2,826 m) and 9 exploration and cover boreholes (11,009 ft / 3,336 m) were completed. Highlights include:
· further delineation of the North Clementine vein zone, where 8 separate vein intersections were achieved and the strike extent of the zone has been extended to 500 ft (151 m);
· further extension of the main Clementine vein zone to the west; and
· continued indications of the development of the Gwenivere vein system at depth.
Detailed results from the exploration program will be released in a second quarter 2010 exploration update press release. No surface exploration drilling was undertaken during the quarter as the Company is awaiting approval of updated surface exploration notice applications submitted to the Bureau of Land Management. The Esmeralda Mill's operational performance improved with a total of 16,016 tons being processed in the quarter (quarter ended Dec 2009 - 8,070 tons). A total of 11,756 Au oz (quarter ended Dec 2009 - 5,295 Au oz) and 51,762 silver (Ag) oz (Dec 2009 - 25,380 Ag oz) were recovered. Mill recoveries of 77% for Au and 57% for Ag were achieved. Following the conversion to Carbon-In-Leach processing, recoveries of 92% for Au and 82% for Ag were
achieved for the ten days following the conversion completed on March 23, 2010. The upgrade project that commenced in the last quarter of 2009 to improve recoveries and operational efficiencies has been completed except
for the second carbon-stripping vessel, which will be installed during April 2010.
At the Company's Burnstone mine development project, the 7.5-meter diameter vertical shaft has been sunk to a depth of 1,506 ft (459 m), with 26 m (85 ft) remaining to shaft bottom. Development of shaft bottom infrastructure, i.e.
loading facility, is underway. Shaft steelwork will commence at the end of April 2010 upon completion of the shaft bottom infrastructure. The rock and man winder installations are currently underway, with completion also planned for April 2010. Good progress has been made underground with drifts to access mining blocks B and C. As at March 31, 2010, a total of approximately 4,950 ft (1,500 m) of reef development had been completed, and 571 ft (173 m) of development remained on the decline shaft to link it up with the vertical shaft, with a total of 8,514 ft (2,580 m) of development being completed to date. A limited amount of mining, by way of Long Hole Stoping, has been undertaken and results are in line with expectations. As at March 31, 2010, approximately 80,000 ore tons (quarter ended Dec 2009 - approximately 60,000 tons) from mining and development had been accumulated on the surface stockpile.
1 Gold equivalent ounces are calculated using metal prices of US$1000/oz for gold and US$15/oz for silver.-2-Construction of the Metallurgical Plant continues with the major items, i.e. silos and other foundations, having been completed. Refurbishment of the Ball and Semi Autogenous Grinding mills was completed and these are ready for delivery to site. Metallurgical Plant commissioning is on track for end June 2010. The Company also successfully negotiated the restructuring of the put option on the 51,500 Senior Secured Notes (the
"Notes") issued in December 2008 with a settlement value of US$61.8 million. Of these, 7,000 Notes (value of US$8.4 million) will be settled in May 2010 by issuing the note holders 2.2 million shares at a price of US$1.75 and paying
US$4.5 million in cash. The put option on 29,500 Notes (value US$35.4 million) will be cancelled and, therefore, will only remain on 15,000 Notes (value US$18 million). The cancellation of the put option removes the potential repayment of the Notes by December 2010 and provides the Company with the flexibility to settle the Notes any time on or before December 12, 2011. Ferdi Dippenaar, President and CEO, commented: "We are making good progress at both operations with much improved performance at Hollister in Nevada, USA. Our target date for the delivery of the Burnstone Mine in South Africa remains the end of June 2010, with a significant number of milestones having been reached over the past three months. Much remains to be done, but we continue to be confident that the tight timelines will be met. Photographs and information on the progress at the site is being updated on our website on an ongoing basis. The US$47 million export loan facility obtained from Credit Suisse (announced on April 5, 2010) as well as the cancellation of the put option on the Senior Secured Notes provides the Company with significant flexibility and margin in available cash reserves to deliver both projects and meet our obligations as they come due." Phil Bentley, Pr.Sci.Nat. (SACNAS) Vice President for Geology and Exploration for the Company and a qualified person, and Johan Oelofse, PrEng, FSAIMM, Chief Operating Officer for the Company and a qualified person, have
reviewed this news release on behalf of Great Basin Gold. For additional details on Great Basin Gold Ltd. and its gold properties, please visit the Company's website at or contact Investor Services:

March 17, 2010, Vancouver, BC - Great Basin Gold Ltd. ("Great Basin Gold" or the "Company") (TSX: GBG; NYSE
Amex: GBG; JSE: GBG) today announced that Standard and Poor's (S&P) has added Great Basin Gold to its S&P/TSX Global Gold Index as well as its S&P/TSX Global Mining Index, effective before market open on Monday, March 22, 2010. "This is a very positive development for Great Basin Gold that complements our listing in the S&P/TSX Composite
Index, and the S&P/TSX Small Cap Index," commented Ferdi Dippenaar, President and CEO. "Our inclusion is also testament to our Company's value and recognition of the significant progress and growth we have achieved thus far." S&P/TSX Global Gold Index is designed to be a dynamic international benchmark, tracking the world's leading gold companies, and aims to offer investors broad exposure to the world's gold markets. Listed securities eligible for
inclusion in the index must meet certain criteria including market capitalization and the liquidity of its stock relative to other stocks in the index. Great Basin Gold has met all of the criteria. About the S&P/TSX Composite Index Introduced in 1977, the S&P/TSX Composite is the headline index and the principal broad-market measure for Canadian Equity markets. It includes common stock and income trust units and serves as the benchmark for the majority of Canadian pension funds and mutual funds. With approximately 95% coverage of the Canadian equities market, it is the primary gauge for Canadian-based, Toronto Stock Exchange listed companies. About the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index The S&P/TSX Global Mining Index is a premier international benchmark tracking the world's leading mining
companies. It aims to offer investors the full spectrum of exposure to the world's mining markets by providing an investable representative index of publicly-traded international mining companies. About the S&P Small Cap Index The S&P/TSX SmallCap index provides an investable index for the Canadian small cap market. It includes common stock and income trust units, and is calculated in real-time. The index is also the basis for the S&P/TSX Equity
SmallCap index, which is calculated end-of-day and excludes income trusts. The S&P/TSX SmallCap index is calculated and managed by Standard & Poor's. For additional details on Great Basin Gold Ltd. and its gold properties, please visit the Company's website at or contact Investor Services:


IAM GOLD is a leading mid-tier gold mining company producing almost one million ounces annually from 8 mines on 3 continents. IAMGOLD is focused on growth with a target to reach1.8 million ounces gold production by 2012. IAMGOLD is uniquely positioned with a strong financial base, together with the management and operations expertise to execute our aggressive growth objectives. IAM GOLD is focused in West Africa, the Guiana Shield of South America and Québec where it has a pipeline of development and exploration projects, while it continues to assess accredited acquisition opportunities with a strategic fit. This company is destined to be one of the great ones. Buy it at this cheapest price and you can just wait a few years and retire on the profits.

IAMGOLD Delivers on 2009 Guidance; Provides 2010 Operating Outlook

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jan 21, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- All dollar amounts in this press release are expressed in US dollars, unless otherwise indicated. This press release contains unaudited numbers for the year ended December 31, 2009.
IAMGOLD Corporation (TSX: IMG)(NYSE: IAG)(BOTSWANA: IAMGOLD) ("IAMGOLD" or "the Company") today announced 2009 gold production of 939,000 ounces in line with guidance. IAMGOLD also provided its operating outlook for 2010 including production, cash cost(1) and capital expenditure guidance.
"IAMGOLD enters 2010 confident it will continue to grow and deliver the same type of impressive results as seen in 2009," said Peter C. Jones, IAMGOLD's Interim President and CEO. "The Company consistently delivered results with expected total gold production of 939,000 ounces, at the same time as crystallizing our growth pipeline. Our flagship operation, the Rosebel Gold Mine, drove our outperformance with record total gold production of over 400,000 ounces. We acquired, integrated and significantly advanced the Essakane project, which increased our reserves by over 30%. Essakane is expected to contribute around 315,000 ounces of gold per year with commercial production anticipated in August 2010. The IAMGOLD project team also led the successful Sadiola Deeps Pre-Feasibility Study and advanced the Westwood project. It is important to note that the Company achieved these successes while continuing to improve our safety performance throughout the organization."
-- 2009 gold production of 939,000 ounces, exceeded original guidance by 7%
-- Record gold production at Rosebel of 392,000 attributable ounces, an
increase of 24% over 2008
-- Cash costs(1) for 2009 are expected to be within the latest guidance
range of $460 to $470 per ounce of gold
-- Niobium production of 4.1 million kilograms with an operating margin(1)
expected in the $19 to $21 per kilogram range
-- Based on a preliminary unaudited assessment, IAMGOLD expects to record a
non-cash impairment charge in its Q4 2009 financial results in the range
of $85 to $100 million, primarily related to its Camp Caiman project in
French Guiana

-- Gold production for 2010 is expected to be between 940,000 and 1,000,000
ounces at an average cash cost(1) of $490 to $510 per ounce
-- Niobium production for 2010 is expected to be between 4.2 and 4.4
million kilograms with an operating margin(1) in the $17 to $19 per
kilogram range
-- Capital expenditures of $373 million and aggregate grassroots and near-
mine exploration expenditures of $60 million are planned for 2010

Toronto, Ontario, December 11, 2009 - IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD" or "the Company") is pleased to declare an annual dividend payment of USD$0.06 per share payable on January 12, 2010 to shareholders of record as of the close of trading on December 24, 2009. For purposes of subsection 89(14) of the Income Tax Act, the Company designates all dividends payable on January 12, 2010 to be eligible dividends. IAMGOLD is a leading mid-tier Canadian based gold mining company producing almost one million ounces from 7 mines on 3 continents. IAMGOLD is focused on growth with a target to reach 1.8 million ounces of gold production by 2013.

Toronto, Ontario, September 17, 2009 - IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that Standard and Poor's ("S&P") has added IAMGOLD to the S&P/TSX 60 Index, effective at the market open on Monday, September 21, 2009. IAMGOLD is currently on the S&P/TSX Composite index. The S&P/TSX 60 index is a large cap index for Canada, the Canadian equivalent of the S&P 500.  The S&P/TSX 60 is designed to represent leading companies in leading industries of Canada's equity market.


It looks like Wayside is finally on their way to becoming a real producing company very soon. I had my doubts for some time because of all the delays and legal transfer of property issues but it seems they have pulled it off. It is sure now that Wayside has and will continue to go it alone on its own and expand into the development of their other mineral claims listed. With the Barkerville QR Mine and Mill in operation the company will have the cash income to exploit their other resources and bring them into production without shareholder dilution of selling shares for start up money. With a low share count and profitable production soon the be in production, Wayside is at a bargain price considering their assets as a producing mine at the beginning of the greatest gold market in history. Buy it now and put it on your shelf and wait for a couple of years and then retire.

Kinross Gold Corp KGC:NYSE
Great company that has been buying up smaller companies for years and turning their mineral assets into producing mines. Kinross has evolved into a large producer of gold and I feel confident that it may be as high as $300 or higher per share in the next 5 years. Far to much about the company to put in this site. Read the companies website and news releases and buy as many shares as you can on dips and just sit back and wait for 3 to 5 years for the maximum profit. I bought a whole lot of shares of it years ago when no one wanted it or any other mining company. This one company alone will make a comfortable retirement for me. Don't miss out on a great company and the money it can make for you.

Kinross 2009 production increases by 22%, revenue by 49%
Margins up 22%, adjusted operating cash flow up 48%
Kinross agrees to sell 25% of Cerro Casale to Barrick for $475 million
Toronto, Ontario - February 17, 2010 - Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX: K, NYSE: KGC) today announced its
results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2009.
(This news release contains forward looking information that is subject to the risks and assumptions set out in our Cautionary Statements on Forward-Looking
Information located on page 8 of this news release. All dollar amounts in this news release are expressed in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted.)
ï‚· Production1 in the fourth quarter 2009 was a record 613,858 gold equivalent ounces, an increase of 12% over
the same period last year. For full-year 2009, gold equivalent production was 2,238,665 ounces, in line with
previously-announced guidance, and a 22% increase over 2008.
ï‚· Revenue for the quarter was a record $699.0 million, compared with $484.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2008,
an increase of 44%, with an average realized gold price of $1,094 per ounce sold compared with $794 per ounce
sold in Q4 2008. Full-year 2009 revenue was $2,412.1 million, a 49% increase over full-year 2008. The average
realized gold price for the full year was $967 compared with $857 per ounce sold for full-year 2008.
ï‚· Cost of sales per gold equivalent ounce2 was $437 for Q4, an increase of 17% compared with Q4 2008. Cost of
sales per ounce for full-year 2009 was $437, in line with previously-stated guidance, compared with $421 for fullyear
2008. Cost of sales per gold ounce on a by-product basis was $383 in Q4 and $388 for the full-year 2009.
Kinross' attributable margin per ounce sold3 was a record $657 in Q4, a year-over-year increase of 57%. The
attributable margin per ounce sold for full-year 2009 was $530, a 22% increase over 2008.
ï‚· Adjusted operating cash flow4 in Q4 was $292.2 million, a 21% increase over Q4 2008, and $937.2 million for the
full year, a 48% increase over full-year 2008. Adjusted operating cash flow per share in Q4 was $0.42 per share,
a 14% increase over Q4 2008, and $1.36 for full-year 2009, a 35% increase over full-year 2008.
ï‚· Adjusted net earnings4 were $148.6 million, or $0.21 per share, in Q4, compared with earnings of $56.8 million,
or $0.09 per share for the same period last year. Adjusted net earnings for the full-year 2009 were $304.9 million,
or $0.44 per share, compared with $243.8 million, or $0.39 per share for full-year 2008. Reported net earnings
were $235.6 million, or $0.34 per share in Q4, compared with a net loss of $968.8 million, or $1.47 per share, for
Q4 2008. Full year reported net earnings were $309.9 million, or $0.45 per share, compared with a net loss of
$807.2 million, or $1.28 per share for full-year 2008.
ï‚· Kinross has entered into an agreement with Barrick Gold Corporation to sell one-half of its 50% interest in the
Cerro Casale project in Chile to Barrick for a total value of $475 million, comprising $455 million in cash, plus
the assumption by Barrick of a $20 million contingent obligation.
ï‚· The Board of Directors declared a dividend of $0.05 per share payable on March 31, 2010 to shareholders of
record on March 24, 2010.
CEO commentary
Tye Burt, President and CEO, made the following comments in relation to fourth quarter and full-year 2009 results.
"Kinross finished 2009 strongly with record production, margins, and revenue for both the quarter and the full
year. Margins averaged $530 per ounce in 2009, an increase of 22% year-over-year, compared with a 13% yearover-
year increase in the average gold price. Adjusted operating cash flow in 2009 was $937.2 million, an
increase of 48% over 2008, while adjusted operating cash flow per share was $1.36, up by 35% over 2008.

About Kinross Gold Corporation
Kinross is a Canadian-based gold mining company with mines and projects in the United States, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and
Russia, and employs approximately 5,500 people worldwide.
Kinross' strategic focus is to maximize net asset value and cash flow per share through a four-point plan built on: delivering
mine and financial performance; attracting and retaining the best people in the industry; achieving operating excellence
through the "Kinross Way"; and delivering future value through profitable growth opportunities.
Kinross maintains listings on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol:K) and the New York Stock Exchange (symbol:KGC).

Madison Minerals MMRSF:OTCBB
I think that Madison is waiting for a buy out of the company by Newmont. Properties are close and Madison is not in a big hurry to start mining operations. Buy Madison at this cheap price and end up owning shares in Newmont.
Pinetree Capital Ltd. Acquires Securities of Madison Minerals Inc.

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 06, 2009 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Pinetree Capital Ltd. (TSX: PNP), announces that on November 2, 2009, it acquired ownership of 1,000,000 common shares ("Common Shares") of Madison Minerals Inc. ("Madison") and 500,000 common share purchase warrants (the "Warrants"). Each Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share at a price of $0.25 per share until October 29, 2010. In the event that the Warrants are fully exercised, these holdings represent approximately 4.0% of the total issued and outstanding common shares of Madison as of November 2, 2009, calculated on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of the Warrants only. As a result of this transaction, Pinetree held, as at November 2, 2009, an aggregate of 3,950,000 common shares of Madison, including the Common Shares and rights to acquire an additional 500,000 common shares of Madison upon the exercise of convertible securities, including the Warrants (collectively, the "Convertible Securities"). In the event that the Convertible Securities are fully exercised, the holdings of Pinetree represents a total of 4,450,000 common shares of Madison, or approximately 11.7% of all issued and outstanding common shares as at November 2, 2009, calculated on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of the Convertible Securities only.

This company has become a mid level producer at an incredible rate. New Gold will be one of the $300 per share dollar stock companies before this bull market in precious metal reaches it's peak in the next few years. Buy this one and put it on the shelf as a trophy as it will treat you well in your retirement.
About New Gold

New Gold is an intermediate gold mining company with the Mesquite Mine in the United States, Cerro San Pedro Mine in Mexico and Peak Mines in Australia. The company is expected to produce between 330,000 and 360,000 ounces of gold in 2010 growing to over 400,000 ounces in 2012. In addition, New Gold has a strong portfolio of development and exploration assets in North and South America. For further information on the company, please visit
New Gold Announces Record 2009 Production, Provides 2010 Annual Guidance and Updates Reserves and Resources

New Gold Announces Update Related to Sale of Amapari Mine
(All figures are in US dollars unless otherwise stated)
March 31, 2010 - New Gold Inc. ("New Gold") (TSX and NYSE AMEX: NGD) today announces that Beadell Resources Ltd. ("Beadell") has received bids from investors to subscribe for at least A$57 million of ordinary shares of Beadell in relation to the previously-disclosed sale of New Gold's Brazilian subsidiary Mineração Pedra Branca do Amapari Ltda. ("MPBA"), which holds the Amapari mine and other related assets. Due to increased volatility in the gold market since
the initial transaction announcement in January 2010, certain terms of the transaction have been revised and New Gold expects to receive $37 million in cash and $16 million in Beadell shares as consideration for the sale of MPBA, versus $46 million in cash and $17 million in Beadell shares as previously disclosed. Under the revised terms, New Gold will hold approximately 19.9% of Beadell. New Gold's objective of receiving meaningful cash proceeds for the non-core Amapari asset is expected to be realized, subject to closing, and under the revised terms New Gold should have a greater share of Beadell equity and related participation in the future success of Amapari. Beadell is an Australian listed gold-focused company with
exploration and development assets in Western Australia and Brazil. "We are pleased that Beadell has completed the book build and, upon closing, the cash
proceeds will only help to further enhance our financial flexibility," stated Randall Oliphant, Executive Chairman. "We have been successful in monetizing a non-core asset for meaningful cash proceeds and also remain keen to participate as shareholders of Beadell and look forward to the group's future success at Amapari as well as their other assets." Beadell shareholders formally approved the equity offering and related transaction at a Shareholder Meeting held on March 12, 2010 and the transaction is expected to close by mid-April.

About New Gold
New Gold is an intermediate gold mining company with the Mesquite Mine in the United States, Cerro San Pedro Mine in Mexico and Peak Gold Mines in Australia. The company is expected to produce between 330,000 and 360,000 ounces of gold in 2010, growing to over 400,000 ounces in 2012. In addition, New Gold has a strong portfolio of development and exploration assets in North and South America.


(All figures are in US dollars unless otherwise indicated)

January 25, 2010 - New Gold Inc. ("New Gold") (TSX and NYSE AMEX-NGD) today announces record quarterly and annual gold production of 111,672 and 301,773 ounces, respectively, with annual production exceeding the guidance range of 270,000 to 300,000 ounces. Total cash cost(1) for 2009 was $462 per ounce sold, net of by-product sales, below the guidance range of $470 to $490 per ounce sold. The preliminary production and total cash cost(1) information provided are approximate figures and may differ slightly from the final results included in the 2009 annual audited financial statements and MD&A. New Gold is also pleased to provide guidance for 2010 with forecast gold production expected to increase further to 330,000 to 360,000 ounces at total cash cost(1) of $445 to $465 per ounce sold, net of by-product sales.

Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2009 Highlights

Results presented below are for the period of ownership for the Mesquite (June 1, 2009) and Cerro San Pedro mines (June 30, 2008).

Highest quarterly gold production for the company in the fourth quarter with an increase of 41% to 111,672 ounces from 78,950 ounces in the same period in 2008

Total cash cost(1) in the fourth quarter decreased 17% to $473 per ounce sold, net of by-product sales, from $567 per ounce sold in the same period in 2008

Gold production in 2009 increased 29% to 301,773 ounces from 233,103 ounces in 2008

Total cash cost(1) in 2009 decreased 18% to $462 per ounce sold, net of by-product sales, from $566 per ounce sold in 2008

New Afton achieved its highest quarterly underground advance in 2009 with 634 metres

All three of New Gold's operating mines had excellent gold production results with Cerro San Pedro and Peak Mines also producing silver and copper, respectively, above guidance. As anticipated, the Mesquite mine achieved its highest quarterly production since the mine was brought back into production in January 2008 with 61,245 ounces of gold produced during the fourth quarter. Cerro San Pedro was able to meet guidance despite the temporary shutdown of mining operations between November 19, 2009 and December 14, 2009. Peak Mines had another strong quarter of gold and copper production, and, importantly, was able to sell down a large portion of its concentrate inventory resulting in increased sales and cash flow for New Gold. Across its operations, New Gold's total cash cost(1) for 2009 was $462 per ounce sold, net of by-product sales, below the guidance range of $470 to $490 per ounce of gold sold and considerably below the $566 per ounce of gold sold in 2008.

"We are extremely pleased with the company's operating performance in 2009; our operations bettered production and cash cost guidance and New Afton continues on its steady path toward production," stated Robert Gallagher, President and Chief Executive Officer. "With our successful operational performance, New Gold is well positioned for even better results in 2010."

New Gold is an intermediate gold mining company with the Mesquite Mine in the United States, Cerro San Pedro Mine in Mexico and Peak Mines in Australia. The company is expected to produce between 330,000 and 360,000 ounces of gold in 2010 growing to over 400,000 ounces in 2012. In addition, New Gold has a strong portfolio of development and exploration assets in North and South America.
New Gold posted record gold production for the fourth quarter and all of 2009 and expects 2010 production of 330,000-360,000 ounces at a total cash ost of $445-$465 an ounce. On January 27, 2010
the company announced the signing of an agreement to sell its Brazilian subsidiary Mineracao Pedra Branca do Amapari Ltda. ("MPBA"), which holds the Amapari mine and other related assets, to Beadell Resources Ltd. ("Beadell") (ASX-BDR) for $63 million. Beadell is an Australian listed gold-focused company with exploration and development assets in Western Australia and Brazil. Proceeds to New Gold will be $46 million in cash and $17 million in Beadell shares. "We are pleased with this transaction as it provides the company with meaningful cash proceeds while still participating in Amapari's future success as a Beadell shareholder," stated Randall Oliphant, Executive Chairman. "New Gold views this as an opportunity to successfully monetize the Amapari asset which will provide the company further flexibility as it pursues other growth opportunities." The transaction is expected to close in March 2010.
New Gold Announces Agreement to Sell Amapari Mine

VANCOUVER, Jan. 27, 2010 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX) -- (All figures are in US dollars unless otherwise stated)
The company announced the signing of an agreement to sell its Brazilian subsidiary Mineracao Pedra Branca do Amapari Ltda. ("MPBA"), which holds the Amapari mine and other related assets, to Beadell Resources Ltd. ("Beadell") (ASX-BDR) for $63 million. Beadell is an Australian listed gold-focused company with exploration and development assets in Western Australia and Brazil.
Proceeds to New Gold will be $46 million in cash and $17 million in Beadell shares and are contingent on the successful completion of an A$75 million equity offering by Beadell, to be sole lead managed by Macquarie Capital Advisers Limited in Australia, and related shareholder approvals. The Macquarie Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities Group of Macquarie Bank Limited and Macquarie Capital Group Limited have committed to subscribe for a total A$10 million of Beadell shares (A$5 million each) at the bookbuild price up to A$0.25 per share, subject to a number of conditions including successful completion of the offering and the acquisition.
"We are pleased with this transaction as it provides the company with meaningful cash proceeds while still participating in Amapari's future success as a Beadell shareholder," stated Randall Oliphant, Executive Chairman. "New Gold views this as an opportunity to successfully monetize the Amapari asset which will provide the company further flexibility as it pursues other growth opportunities."
As part of the planned equity offering, Beadell is required to obtain shareholder approval by simple majority of 50% plus one of those votes cast. The shareholder meeting materials will be distributed in the coming days and the shareholder vote will take place in early March. Beadell management, who hold approximately 25% of the shares of the company, have committed to support the transaction both financially and through the shareholder vote where applicable. Once the bookbuild has been successfully completed, expected to be on or about February 17, 2010, the completion of the transaction will be dependent on the above noted shareholder approvals and other customary closing conditions.
The transaction is expected to close in March 2010.
New Gold says full operations to resume at Mexican mine
Updated: 2010-03-18 13:42
Canadian gold miner New Gold said full operations will resume at its Cerro San Pedro mine in Mexico after a federal district court lifted restrictions on the use of explosives at the mine.

Operations at the mine were suspended in November last year after the country's environment ministry, acting on a federal court ruling, revoked the mine's 2006 environmental permit.

The company, which owns assets in the United States, Mexico, Australia, Canada, Brazil and Chile, also reaffirmed its gold production outlook of 95,000 to 105,000 ounces at a total cash cost of C$390 to C$410 per ounce sold, for the year, at the Cerro San Pedro mine.

The mine had faced opposition since it began operations in 2006 from local groups and environmentalists, who said the site in the northern state of San Luis Potosi was historically important and the operation threatened local watersheds.

Hearings are ongoing in relation to appeals against the nullification of the Cerro San Pedro mine's 2006 Environmental Impact Statement and the related order suspending mining operations issued by PROFEPA, the Mexican environmental enforcement agency, the company added.


Minera Andes Inc MNEAF
I originally had my doubts about this company but it has been skilfully managed and saved by a major stock holder buy out to prevent it from being taken over by it partner in the mine. With the direct ownership of the majority of stock by this person the mine will be safe from attacks. The mine has finished its one year plus of processing the overburden on top of the underground mine and is now going under where the high grades of ore is located. The value will increase because of this and because of the increase in metal price. Bright future for the years ahead.

TORONTO, ONTARIO - February 23, 2010 - Minera Andes Inc. (the "Corporation" or "Minera Andes") (TSX: MAI and US OTC: MNEAF)
Minera Andes is an exploration company exploring for gold, silver and copper in Argentina with three significant assets: a 49% interest in Minera Santa Cruz SA which owns the San José Mine - a large primary silver producer which produced 4,998,000 million oz silver and 77,070 oz gold in 2009; 100% ownership of the Los Azules copper deposit; and, a portfolio of exploration properties in the highly prospective Deseado Massif region of Santa Cruz Province in southern Argentina. Minera Andes continues to be well funded and have no bank debt. The Corporation had $20.9 Million USD in cash as at September 30, 2009.

Miranda Gold Corp MRDDF
Miranda Gold Corp. is a gold exploration company active in Nevada and whose emphasis is on generating gold exploration projects within the Battle Mountain-Eureka and Cortez Trends. Miranda performs its own grass roots exploration and then employs a joint venture business model on its projects in order to maximize exposure to discovery while minimizing exploration risk. Previous partners include Barrick Gold Exploration Inc., Newmont Mining Inc., Newcrest Resources Inc., Placer Dome (US) Inc., Agnico-Eagle (USA) Inc., Romarco Minerals Inc., Golden Aria Corp., the Cortez Joint Venture and the Buckhorn Joint Venture. Miranda has ongoing partnerships with Piedmont Mining Company Inc., White Bear Resources Inc., Queensgate Resources Corporation, Montezuma Mines Inc., and NuLegacy Gold Corporation.

Pacific Rim Mining Corp PMU
Pacific Rim is an environmentally and socially responsible exploration company focused exclusively on high grade, environmentally clean gold deposits in the Americas. Pacific Rim's primary asset and focus of its growth strategy is the high grade, vein-hosted El Dorado gold project in El Salvador. The Company owns several similar grassroots gold projects in El Salvador and is actively seeking additional assets elsewhere in the Americas that fit its project focus. The company has cash for at least another year but will need to get the El Salvador project under way. Pacific Rim will pull through and be one of the big Latin American mining companies. Buy it now at such a low prices and just hold on to it for three years and retire on it.

Starfield Res Inc SRFDF
This company could be one of the big ones in a few years but they need to produce or the stock price will never get up. Possibly they are fluffing themselves up for a merger with a Mega company? They are doing all the right stuff now except centering on production with the current metal price rises. They are missing the boat. They need to merge with a big company or produce. Watch the share price from here on out to see if it spikes up and if there is a take over in the works. If no take over and no production the stock price will collapse. Sell at the peak of this run up if there is no merger or production. Starfield Resources Inc. is an advanced exploration and development stage company focused on its 100%-owned Ferguson Lake property in Nunavut, Canada. With claim blocks spanning over 625,000 acres, and resources containing over 44 million tonnes, the Ferguson Lake project is the largest base metal (nickel-copper-cobalt) and PGE (platinum-palladium-rhodium) project in Nunavut. Starfield has funded the development of a novel, environmentally friendly and highly energy-efficient hydrometallurgical flow sheet to recover metals from its Ferguson Lake massive sulphides. This innovative process will enable the Company to produce high purity metal, key industry reagents and its own electrical power, and to recycle key reagents, all in a cost effective and environmentally friendly manner. In addition, the Company has commenced an exploration program for diamonds and other minerals on the remainder of its property. In December 2008, the Company announced the discovery of a diamond in a till sample, as well as another nearby sample containing diamond-indicator garnet grains. Previous geophysics identified this and several other areas of the property as highly prospective for diamonds. This significant discovery will be further explored during 2009. By moving the Ferguson Lake massive nickel-copper-cobalt-platinum-palladium discovery towards development, and uncovering value in additional areas of its large land holding through continued exploration, Starfield is well positioned to take advantage of future metal markets.

Silverado Gold Mines Ltd SLGLF
Silverado Gold Mines Ltd, a publicly traded company, is an exploration-stage enterprise focused on the exploration of gold properties with some past production. The Company has gold properties located throughout Alaska, which include a 100 percent (100%) interest in numerous mining claims located on the Nolan Creek property. Silverado is one of those small companies that just can't get "no respect". The people running this company have worked their ass off trying to do the right thing and time after time they get their teeth kick in. Their problems started back when they had guaranteed funding from the Federal government for development of their patent coal fuel process (green technology) was yank from under their feet as soon as Bush the monkey got in office. Just before the evasion of Iraq the funding was yanked as you can imagine since Bush was a oil man and there was going to be plenty of oil from Iraq in the future. Then came the 2006 -2008 greatest Gold manipulation in such a short time in the history of the world by the Central banks of the world led by the US Government. Silverado has struggle and survived through hard times where most small mining companies have gone under. Their belief in their mineral assets carried them through and will make those who invest at such low prices now a fortune in a few years from now. This company is a rare gem for a small company. Read the news realease below and buy as much as you can before the buying mania in mining stocks begins.
2010 Mineral Resource Estimates for Workman's and Pringle Bench Gold and Antimony Deposits at Nolan Creek, Northern Alaska
ABOUT NOLAN CREEK January 7, 2010
Silverado owns a 100 percent interest in numerous mining claims on the Nolan Creek property, consisting of 204 unpatented Federal placer mining claims and 407 unpatented Federal lode mining claims, which are located 280 miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska in the historic Koyukuk Mining District. Access is by the Dalton highway six hours from Fairbanks, Alaska to Wiseman and then by seven miles of well-maintained road to the 12 square mile property, or by air 1 hour and 15 minutes to Coldfoot and a 40 minute drive to the property. Since the discovery of placer deposits in the Nolan Creek/Hammond River area in 1897, recorded gold recovery totals almost 200,000 ounces of placer or nugget gold. The largest portion of this recovery stems from Nolan Creek and its tributaries and benches. The Company has also optioned property that covers the adjoining Hammond River placer deposits, and potential lode sources.
Under Silverado's ownership since 1982, a total of 23,153 ounces of placer gold was recovered from channel and bench deposits in the Nolan Valley through 2006. The largest nugget recovered to date weighed 41.35 ounces and was valued at US$16,000 by weight. It sold for US$50,000. Most nuggets recovered at Nolan Valley are suitable for jewelry.
Placer deposits at Nolan Creek can be found in frozen gravel beds (ancient channel deposits) some of which can be mined year round. Test mining can be carried out by underground methods during the coldest winter months, and by surface methods most of the year. In the summer months when the gravel has thawed, snow melt water is available for gold recovery by hydraulic sluicing. The sluicing process uses only gravity and water within a closed circuit, ensuring that there is zero discharge to the environment. Lands disturbed by mining are fully reclaimed. The Company operates under 11 combined federal and state permits.
While developing and test mining the Nolan Creek Placer Gold deposits, Silverado collected information and conducted surveys directed to identifying the lode sources for the placer gold. These "lode" sources are the actual areas where gold forms within spaces in rocks and fissures, and forms zones of gold mineralization. Some of the gold recovered from placer test mining operations was attached to quartz and other lode deposit materials, some was crystalline in nature, and a considerable amount of the recovered gold was razor edged and showed little to no evidence of travel (rounding). Follow up work has disclosed gold and antimony mineralized rock exposures. The discovery of lode gold (now identified as the probable source of most if not all of the gold nuggets) is now a function of methodical work on the five mile long Solomon Shear Trend where mineralization occurs from place to place throughout the Trend. The Company is exploring for the lode source of the nugget gold and is locating and examining source material systems. The Workman's Bench Zone has now been drill linked to the Pringle Bench and together, they are currently being developed as our prime target for gold and antimony resources.
The total zone has now been drilled along a strike length of over 2300 feet and is open to length and depth. The main ‘A' vein is continuous and contains consistent high antimony grades with good to exceptional gold grades. Included in our work to pinpoint other similar bodies, is a project entailing compilation of airborne geophysical survey data published by the State of Alaska which is continually being interpreted in conjunction with on-going ground geological, geophysical, and geochemical surveys. The cumulative data indicates that a resistivity low trend (electromagnetically conductive zone) over five miles in total length is present uphill from the known placer deposits. This area has been called the "Solomon's Shear Trend" and exists within our 12 square mile Nolan Creek Property. A second sub-parallel zone lies immediately to the east and a potential third similar zone lies about one mile further east where all drainages have been historically placer gold mined and where Silverado has found impressive gold, such as this true size troy ounce piece of gold/quartz/phyllite shown here.
Geophysical features like Solomon's Shear Trend may be caused by faults, veins or shear zones, by conductive lithologies or by a combination of these features. Geochemical soil sampling has shown above average values of gold and its companion metals, arsenic and antimony, coincident with the "Solomon's Shear Trend" resistivity low. Throughout the length of this trend there are a number of lode vein occurrences containing gold, arsenic and antimony. Other geologic models have also been indicated.
This trend is the target of current lode exploration for the source of the gold and antimony material found on the Nolan Creek Property. Economically viable concentrations of gold and antimony mineralization have been located within this trend wherever drilled, and the size and intensity of the anomaly, plus the existence of one or more similar deposits to the one currently being delineated lend the opportunity of disclosing a world class deposit of combined gold and antimony.
The Company is now in its final stages of fundraising to place the mine into commercial production and the current existence of a fully paid infrastructure along with an attractive pre-feasibility analysis make this an exciting and promising project; especially considering its opportunity to start production in 2010 in conjunction with the anticipated run up in gold prices.
Additional and exceptional value may be duly placed on the fact that it may well be the only near term antimony producer in North America.

From 1978 to present, Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. acquired property, as well as explored gold deposits on the Grant Mine Property and other areas of the Ester Dome Project, located 10 miles northwest of Fairbanks, Alaska.
From 1990 to 1993, a joint venture between Silverado and another mining company on the Grant Mine Property completed 45,162 feet of drilling plus related surface surveys.
With the cessation of the joint venture, Silverado continued alone. Surface surveying, trenching and drilling from 1994 to 1997 was conducted on the St. Paul Shear Zone, resulting in the disclosure of a large zone of gold mineralization, which is open to depth and length.
In 1999, Silverado decided to focus on the Nolan Creek Gold and Antimony Project and returned a portion of the Ester Dome Property to its original owners, keeping approximately 2.5 square miles containing the O'Dea, Ethyl, Elmes and St. Paul gold resources, and the Grant Mill gold processing facility.
The Grant Mill facility, constructed in 1984 as a joint venture between Silverado and a major company was in service from 1980 to 1989. During this time, the facility processed 133,852 tons of mineralized material removed from underground and surface mineralized zones yielding 15,305 ounces of gold and 8,231 ounces of silver.
Silverado explored and test mined five areas of gold mineralization; four open cut and one underground. The Company successfully poured and sold $10 million in sweet gold bullion bars and achieved high rates of recovery. A part of the property has been drilled to very limited depths on gold mineralized zones (1000′) which are open to depth and length.
Several projects have been proposed over the past ten years. However, for the time being, the Company has determined that it is appropriate to expend its funds, for the foreseeable future, on the Nolan Creek Gold and Antimony Project, as it presents the best opportunity to initiate steady cash returns.
As three major companies have approached Silverado this year, we may decide to commence the review process on the Ester Dome Project.
The Eagle Creek Property is located 15 miles north of Fairbanks, Alaska, 12 miles northeast of the Ester Dome Project, 6 miles southeast of the Kinross True North Gold Deposit (adjoining claims on which Silverado has an overriding production royalty) and 30 miles south of Kinross' Fort Knox producing gold mine.
Historically, Eagle Creek was Alaska's second largest antimony producer. In the late 1980's, Silverado built a 100 tons per day (TPD) gravity plant and processed the old mine dumps, successfully selling all antimony produced.
In addition to the high-grade gold bearing quartz veins found on Silverado's large Eagle Creek property, the Company, in 2006, identified what appeared to be a gold mineralized pluton which is a granitic or igneous (fire formed) rock located on the claims above the placer gold Treasure Creek portion of the property. This may lead to the development of a significant gold deposit, and may make ideal feedstock for the Kinross Fort Knox mill nearby.
Annual assessment work will be carried out on the property to keep the mining claims in good standing. Assessment work will be focused on the northwest part of the claim block, where drilling and trenching has defined an intrusive host rock thought to be a sill, containing low grade gold, silver and antimony mineralization. The Company has been approached by three major companies and we may decide to commence the review process on the Eagle Creek project.

Vista Gold Corp VGZ: AMEX
This once tiny company that bought up slews of gold-rich properties for pennies on the dollar years ago when gold was so out of favor nobody would touch them. People thought they were crazy, but now with gold firmly above $1,000, the shoe's on the other foot. Properties which were virtually worthless when gold was down around $300 an ounce have suddenly become immensely valuable. This once-shunned tiny penny gold, with a market cap of only $106 million, is now sitting on 17.3 million ounces of gold. The street value of that much gold is $17.4 BILLION , about 165 times its market cap. Now, this tiny penny gold is starting to cash in its chips and bring two of its mines into production. When you have a tiny company bringing tons, literally tons, of gold to market, you know the shares are ready to move up. This company will be one of the great price percentage gainers in the next 5 years. A bargain at it's current price for a long term hold to sell in 3-5 years from now. See company website for current updates.

Silver Buckle Corp SBUM

Posted by survivalgoldstocks at 2:06 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 21 April 2010 3:54 PM EDT
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